When does a journey start? When you finish packing?
When you step out your front door?
When you start a blog about the journey, thus sharing it with the world (whether the world wants to hear about it or not)?
Well, world, I guess this is at least the beginning of our journey together. In June I will be directing a film on the Camino de Santiago, backpacking almost 500 miles from the Pyrenees Mountains to Santiago de Compostela, Spain, documenting the stories of the pilgrims I meet along the way. I won’t be going alone, though… I have a small yet amazing crew accompanying me: Brittni Moore, Emily Maysilles, Ron Nelson, Jasmine Luoma, and Lauren Martinez (you can find out more about them here).
This will be my first feature film. My first time in Europe. My first time backpacking 500 MILES! To be honest, I feel a lot like Bilbo Baggins being called to a great adventure: very excited, very curious, and maybe a little bit scared.
(But mostly excited.)
This blog is a chronicle of the film. A director’s log. A bit of a personal journal. There will be posts by other crew members, interviews with former pilgrims, production photos and videos… a veritable smörgåsbord of Camino tales.
I can’t believe this story is actually starting.
I hope you enjoy the journey.
- Lindsay Thompson