More exciting news from the Travel Light team! We have just cemented a partnership with the wonderful folks of the Reynolda Film Festival. This is different from our other business sponsors thus far - as a part of our Reynolda Partnership, crew members of Travel Light. will be giving a presentation on the film followed by a Q & A on Thursday, April 4th, from 6 to 7pm. The presentation will be followed by by a meet and greet.
When complete, we'll be bringing the film-in-progress to the Reynolda Film Festival, workshopping scenes and talking about the production from the other side.
This is incredibly exciting for us as an opportunity to help give back to the film community in Winston-Salem, and opening new conversations about our film and filmmaking in general. Reynolda has been more than generous in their offer to partner with us, and we're thrilled to see where this partnership goes as production moves along. They will be one of the first venues we present a cut of the final film, and we're honored to have that opportunity.
We'll keep you all posted on when these events start happening. In the meantime, check out the
this year and let them know you appreciate their support of independent film!