Dear Travel Light Friends and Family, It’s been a crazy year here at Travel Light. Thought we’d pause for a moment and give you all a quick update:
After going through hundreds of hours of footage (and gaining a greater respect for filmmakers who shoot for YEARS rather than months), our first cut of the film was 9 hours long. For months now we’ve been in the process of whittling down footage to its core essentials.
Emily has used the analogy of documentary editing being like a sculptor who’s given a beautiful block of marble. You have to work with the grain of what you’ve been given, discern what to chip away to reveal the form within.
We are currently at a running time of 1 hour and 27 minutes.
Though post-production has taken longer than initially estimated, we are on track to complete the film this summer. Announcements concerning premieres, distribution, and Kickstarter rewards can be expected to start on the blog and our other media outlets in the following months.
Thank you for your continued support on this journey.
- The Travel Light Team